News Local charity HEFF presents vital equipment to Furness General Hospital Thanks to the generosity of Barrow residents, local charity HEFF (The Hospital Equipment Fund for Furness) has presented Furness General Hospital with four pieces of equipment totalling £13,719.50. Speech and Language Therapy Team Leader Hannah Woodhead said, “We are so grateful to HEFF for their incredibly generous donation of a video imaging chair. It will make a huge difference for inpatients here in Barrow who will be able to access moving x-rays of their swallows (videofluoroscopy). “Many of the people who need this examination struggle with reduced mobility and find it difficult to sit in place for the scan due to their balance, but the chair we have received from HEFF is designed with these patients in mind. This means that we can diagnose and treat patients here at Furness General, often giving vital information to manage and treat their swallowing problem.” The other items included a mobile blood pressure monitor; a light for minor operations, meaning that patients do not have to attend the main theatre; and a respiratory monitor for children to diagnose specific issues quickly onsite. Diane Nelson of the Clinical Investigations Unit said, “We would like to say a big thank you to HEFF. Though a blood pressure monitor might sound like a simple thing, this test is in high demand. Having an extra monitor will go a long way to easing the pressure for staff and patients, meaning that we can often discharge patients earlier.” HEFF has raised these funds from the proceeds of a charity shop in Barrow as well as community events and fundraising throughout the year, adding to a total of over £1 million raised for Furness General Hospital since 1985. John Dixon, Chair of HEFF, said “HEFF came together 30 years ago to support Furness General Hospital in buying a scanner to detect cancer, and we have been going strong ever since, with some of our original members still on the committee today. Most of our members have had long careers in the NHS and we understand the tremendous impact that some of these items can have for patients.“It is a win-win all around, giving the hospital equipment that they need, and giving us the wonderful feeling that we have helped. Now, we start again and begin fundraising for next year.”