A new piece of interactive sensory equipment in the Children’s Ward at Royal Lancaster Infirmary, funded by Bay Hospitals Charity, is helping to keep young people of all ages active and entertained.

The charity has purchased an omiVista Mobii 3 interactive projector for the ward to help keep children mentally stimulated and assist their recovery during their stay on the ward.

Children can enjoy a range of games, puzzles and activities using the motion-sensitive equipment, using projections that change in response to their movement.

Children’s Ward Play Specialist Claire Fox said: “The equipment is for children of all ages and because it’s simple to use it’s one of those things that all staff should be able to use with the patients.

“It can be taken into side rooms if children are unable to come out, and it can be used by children in wheelchairs. We have recently used it with a toddler, who loved the games, and an orthopaedic patient who we needed to encourage to get out of bed and moving around.”

The projector can be used on any flat surface, and offers a range of games and activities from air hockey to dinosaur fossil digs and music-making apps.

Children’s Ward Manager Laura Norton said: “In many ways it’s better than having a sensory room, because it’s so flexible and we can use it anywhere.”

Bay Hospitals Charity funds the latest equipment for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust to help make patients more comfortable and ensure they get the best possible care and treatment.

UHMBT Executive Chief Nurse Bridget Lees said: “This donation is a great example of the benefit that Bay Hospitals Charity brings to our hospitals. Although it is not an essential piece of equipment, this projector is something that our patients really value.

“Donations like this make a huge difference to our young patients by enhancing their hospital experience and using play to assist their recovery.”

To donate and support your local NHS hospital, contact Bay Hospitals Charity on 01524 516064 or email [email protected]