Radiographer Paul Smith raised more than £1,700 in sponsorship for Bay Hospitals Charity by competing in the Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Hawaii.

Paul became hooked on triathlon after his first event in 2012, and qualified for the world championships by placing in the top five for his age group at Ironman UK in Bolton last year. 

The challenging event involves a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and 26.2-mile run. He completed the Hawaii race in a personal best time of 11 hours and three minutes.

Paul said: "Racing in the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii was a dream come true and the pinnacle of a five-year plan. The race day conditions were favourable as the typical strong winds didn't happen, though the heat and humidity were a real challenge.

"I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues for their support, and for the generous donations made to Bay Hospitals Charity which will be used to acquire a mobile language interpretation unit for our department."

There is still time to contribute to Paul's fund-raising total at